Acceptées ou sous presse
Fontaine, N.M.G., Bégin, V., Vitaro, F., Boivin, M., Tremblay, R.E., & Côté, S.M. (2024). Psychopathic traits in childhood and depression symptoms in adolescence: The mediating role of peer victimization. Journal of Developmental and Life-Course Criminology. Publié en ligne.
Bégin, V., Vergunst, F., Haeck, C., Vitaro, F., Tremblay, R.E., Côté, S.M., & Fontaine, N.M.G. (2024). Childhood behavior problems and adverse economic outcomes: A 30-year population-based study of intergenerational income mobility. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. Publié en ligne.
Cortoni, F. & Fontaine, N.M.G. (2024). Interventions with justice-involved girls and women. In G. Davies & A.R. Beech (Eds.), Forensic Psychology: Crime, Justice, Law, Interventions, 4e Ed. (pp. 603-626). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
Daignault, I. V., Deslaurier-Varin, N., & Parent, S. (2023). Profiles of teenage athletes’ exposure to violence in sport: An analysis of their sport practice, athletic behaviors and mental health. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 38(11-12), 7754-7779.
Gadoua, M., Daignault, I. V., Cyr, M., Lachambre, S., & Dufour, K. (2023). Le témoignage des mineurs à la Cour : profils et besoins des jeunes et apport d’un programme de préparation. Criminologie, 56(1), 37-60.
Fontaine, N. M. G., Rozéfort, A., & Bégin, V. (2023). Associations between callous-unemotional traits and psychopathology in a sample of adolescent females. Journal of the Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 32 (1), 14-26.
Bégin, V., Fontaine, N.M.G., Vitaro, F., Boivin, M., Tremblay, R.E., & Côté, S.M. (2023). Perinatal and early-life factors associated with stable and unstable trajectories of psychopathic traits across childhood. Psychological Medicine, 53, 379-387.
Baril, K., & Daignault, I. V. (2021). Agression sexuelle, santé mentale et parentalité : une perspective intergénérationnelle. Dans G. Piché, A. Vilatte, & S. Bourque (Éds.), Trouble mental chez le parent. Enjeux familiaux et implications cliniques (pp. 209-230). Presses de l’Université Laval.
Bergeron, A., Deslauriers-Varin, N., Daignault, I. V., & Lussier, P. (2022). The disclosure of children who exhibit problematic sexual behaviors. Child Abuse & Neglect, 134, Article 105923.
Chouinard-Thivierge, S., Lussier, P., & Daignault, I. V. (2022). A longitudinal examination of developmental covariates of sexual behavior problems among youth referred to child protection services. Sexual Abuse, 34(5), 537-567.
Pitre, C., Daignault, I. V., & Tourigny, M. (2021). Enfance et comportements sexuels problématiques : Différences observées à la suite d’une psychothérapie d’approche cognitive comportementale / Children with sexual behavior problems: Differences observed following cognitive behavior therapy. Sexologies, 30(4), 242-259.
Dollion, N., Grandgeorge, M., Saint-Amour, D., Poitras Loewen, A.H., François, N., Fontaine, N.M.G., Champagne, N., & Plusquellec, P. (2022). Emotion facial processing in children with autism spectrum disorder: A pilot study of the impact of service dogs. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, Article 869452.
Bégin, V., Fontaine, N.M.G., Vitaro, F., Boivin, M., Tremblay, R.E., & Côté, S.M. (2022). Childhood psychopathic traits and mental health outcomes in adolescence: Compensatory and protective effects of positive relationships with parents and teachers. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Publié en ligne.
Deskalo, A., & Fontaine, N.M.G. (2021). Examining callous-unemotional traits and anxiety in a sample of incarcerated adolescent females. Juvenile and Family Court Journal, 72 (1), 73-93.
Cyr, M., Daignault, I. V., & Dion, J. (2020). Le témoignage des enfants à la cour : quel éclairage offre la psychologie sur leurs compétences à rendre compte de la vérité. Dans K. Poitras & P. C. Gagnon (Éds.), Psychologie et droit (Chap. 9, pp. 195-218). Éditions Yvon Blais.
Payet, M.-L., Daignault, I. V., & Lafortune, D. (2019). Trajectoires de services des jeunes sous la double autorité de la protection de la jeunesse et de la justice juvénile: différences et spécificités. Revue canadienne de service social / Canadian Social Work Review, 36 (2), 125-142.
Hébert, M., Daignault, I. V., & Blanchard-Dallaire, C. (2020). Adaptation of Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for cases of child sexual abuse with complex trauma: A clinical case illustration. International Journal of Child and Adolescent Resilience (IJCAR), 7(1), 211-221.
Baril, K., & Daignault, I. V. (2019). Agression sexuelle, santé mentale et parentalité : une perspective intergénérationnelle. Dans M. Boily & G. Piché, Parentalité et problèmes de santé mentale. Montréal (QC), Canada : Presses de l’Université du Québec.
Daignault, I. V., Lachambre, S., & Cyr, M. (2020). Enfance, violence et justice : Comment aider les enfants à obtenir protection, justice et réparation devant nos tribunaux ? Dans V. Denault (Éd.), Sciences et droit : la recherche au service de la justice. Montréal (QC) : Les Éditions Yvon Blais.
Tremblay, M.-J., Daignault, I.V., Fontaine, N.M.G., Boisvert, I., & Tourigny, M. (2020). School-aged children with sexual behavior problems: Untangling the relationship between externalizing behavior problems and non-sexual victimization on the variety and severity of sexual behaviors. Child Abuse & Neglect, 107, 104490.
Darcy, I., & Fontaine, N.M.G. (2020). The Hoosier Vocal Emotions Corpus: A validated set of North American English pseudo-words for evaluating emotion processing. Behavior Research Methods, 52, 901-917.
Gorin, H., Kosson, D.S., Miller, S.A., Fontaine, N.M.G., Vitaro, F., Séguin, J.R., Boivin, M., Côté, S.M., & Tremblay, R.E. (2019). Psychopathic traits in middle childhood: Evidence of a hierarchical three-factor structure. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 41 (3), 341-352.
Fontaine, N.M.G., Brendgen, M., Vitaro, F., Boivin, M., Tremblay, R.E., & Côté, S.M. (2019). Longitudinal associations between delinquency, depression and anxiety symptoms in adolescence: Testing the moderating effect of sex and family socioeconomic status. Journal of Criminal Justice, 62, 58-65.
Hoyniak, C.P., Bates, J.E., Petersen, I.T., Yang, C.-L., Darcy, I., & Fontaine, N.M.G. (2019). Diminished neural responses to emotionally valenced facial stimuli: A potential biomarker for unemotional traits in early childhood. Child Psychiatry & Human Development, 50 (1), 72-82.
Saunders, M.C., Anckarsäter, H., Lundström, S., Hellner, C., Lichtenstein, P., & Fontaine, N.M.G. (2019). The associations between callous-unemotional traits and symptoms of conduct problems, hyperactivity and emotional problems: A study of adolescent twins screened for neurodevelopmental problems. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology. 47 (3), 447-457.
Gagnon, M. M., Collin-Vézina, D., Séguin, R., Hébert, M., Cyr, M., & Daignault, I. V. (2019). Les jeunes enfants âgés de cinq ans et moins victimes d’agression sexuelle: Survol des connaissances pour guider la recherche, les services et les politiques sociales au Canada. Revue canadienne de santé mentale communautaire, 37(2), 49-56.
Hany Elmi, M., Daignault, I. V., & Hébert, M. (2018). Child sexual abuse victims as witnesses: The influence of testifying on their recovery. Child Abuse & Neglect, 86, 22-32.
Daignault I. V., Hébert, M., Cyr, M., Pelletier, M., & Mc Duff, P. (2018, en ligne). Correlates and predictors of mothers’ adaptation and trauma symptoms following the unveiling of the sexual abuse of their child. Journal of Interpersonal Violence.
Collin-Vézina, D., Daignault, I. V., & Cyr, M. (dir.) (2017). L'agression sexuelle commise sur des mineurs : les victimes, les auteurs. Criminologie, 50(1) (printemps 2017).
Daignault, I. V., Cyr, M., & Hébert, M. (2017). Working with non-offending parents in cases of child sexual abuse. Dans L, Dixon, D. F. Perkins, C. Hamilton-Giachritsis & L. A. Craig (Eds), The Wiley Handbook of What Works in Child Maltreatment: An Evidence-Based Approach to Assessment and Intervention in Child Protection (pp. 415-432). Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons.
Hébert, M., Daignault, I. V., Fournier, A., & Tremblay-Perreault, A. (2018). Le traitement d’approche cognitive comportementale axé sur le trauma (TF-CBT) : adaptation pour les cas de trauma complexe. Dans T. Milot, D. Collin-Vézina, & N. Godbout, Le trauma complexe: Comprendre, évaluer et intervenir (pp. 165-189). Collection d’enfance (R. Tessier, G.M. Tarabulsy, J.-P. Lemelin). Presses de l’Université du Québec.
Cigna, M.-H., Guay, J.-P., & Fontaine, N.M.G. (2018). Developmental profiles of individuals with psychopathic traits: The Good, the Bad, and the Snake. In V. Ziegler-Hill & T.K. Shackelford (Eds.), The Sage Handbook of Personality and Individual Differences (pp. 112-131). London, UK: Sage.
Fontaine, N.M.G., Hanscombe, K.B., Berg, M.T., McCrory, E.J., & Viding, E. (2018). Trajectories of callous-unemotional traits in childhood predict different forms of peer victimization in adolescence. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 47 (3), 458-466.
Fontaine, N.M.G., Parent, G., & Guay, J.-P. (2018). Les comportements de coercition sexuelle commis par les femmes examinés sous l'approche de la criminologie développementale. Sexologies, 27, 122-130.
Fontaine, N.M.G., Parent, G., & Guay, J.-P. (2018). Female sexual coercion examined from a developmental criminology perspective. Sexologies, 27, e45-e50.
Hoyniak, C.P., Bates, J.E., Petersen, I.T., Yang, C.-L., Darcy, I., & Fontaine, N.M.G. (2018). Reduced neural responses to vocal fear: A potential biomarker for callous-uncaring traits in early childhood. Developmental Science, 21, e12608.
Daignault, I.V., Hébert, M., & Pelletier, M. (June 2017). Fact-sheet #21: Childhood sexual abuse and legal proceedings: The influence of legal proceedings on the recovery of child sexual abuse victims receiving therapy in a Child Advocacy Centre. Research team FRQ-SC - Violence sexuelle et santé (ÉVISSA), UQAM, Montreal (QC), Canada.
Daignault, I.V., Hébert, M., & Pelletier, M. (2017, juin). Capsule #21 : Agression sexuelle pendant l’enfance et procédures judiciaires : L’influence des procédures judiciaires sur le rétablissement d’enfants victimes d’agression sexuelle et bénéficiant d’une thérapie dans un centre d’appui aux enfants. Équipe de recherche FRQ-SC – Violence sexuelle et santé (ÉVISSA), UQAM, Montréal (QC), Canada.
Daignault, I.V., Hébert, M., & Pelletier, M. (2017). L’influence du système de justice sur le rétablissement d’enfants victimes d’agression sexuelle et suivis dans un centre d’appui aux enfants. Criminologie (Special edition), 50(1), 51-73.
Fontaine, N.M.G., McCrory, E.J., & Viding, E. (2018). Genetic contributions to the development of psychopathic traits and antisocial behavior in youths. In A.R. Beech, A.J. Carter, R.E. Mann, & P. Rotshtein (Eds.), The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of Forensic Neuroscience (pp. 481-506). Oxford, UK: Wiley Blackwell.
Fontaine, N.M.G., & Petersen, I.T. (2017). Developmental trajectories of psychopathology: An overview of approaches and applications (pp. 5-28). In L.C. Centifanti & D.M. Williams (Eds.), The Wiley Handbook of Developmental Psychopathology. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
Cortoni, F., & Fontaine, N.M.G. (2017). Interventions with female offenders. In G.M. Davies & A.R. Beech (Eds.), Forensic Psychology: Crime, Justice, Law, Interventions, 3rd Ed (pp. 579-600). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
Fontaine, N.M.G., Brendgen, M., Vitaro, F., & Tremblay, R.E. (2016). Compensatory and protective factors against violent delinquency in late adolescence: Results from the Montreal Longitudinal and Experimental Study. Journal of Criminal Justice, 45, 54-62.
Fontaine, N.M.G., Lacourse, E., Vitaro, F., & Tremblay, R.E. (2014). Links between trajectories of self-reported offending and official offending during adolescence and early adulthood: Differentiating violent from nonviolent offences. Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health, 24 (4), 277-290.
Viding, E., Fontaine, N.M.G., & Larsson, H. (2013). Quantitative genetic studies of psychopathic traits in minors: Review and implications for the law. In K.A. Kiehl & W.P. Sinnott-Armstrong (Eds.), Handbook of Psychopathy and Law (pp. 161-179). NY: Oxford University Press.
Coyne, C.A., Fontaine, N.M.G., Långström, N., Lichtenstein, P., & D’Onofrio, B.M. (2013). Teenage childbirth and young adult criminal convictions: A quasi-experimental study of criminal outcomes for teenage mothers. Journal of Criminal Justice, 41 (5), 318-323.
Articles publiés avant 2013
Viding, E., Fontaine, N.M.G., & McCrory, E.J. (2012). Antisocial behaviour in children with and without callous-unemotional traits. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, 105 (5), 195-200.
Sebastian, C.L., McCrory, E.J.P., Cecil, C.A.M., Lockwood, P.L., De Brito, S.A., Fontaine, N.M.G., & Viding, E. (2012). Neural responses to affective and cognitive Theory of Mind in children with conduct problems and varying levels of callous-unemotional traits. Archives of General Psychiatry, 69 (8), 814-822.
Sebastian, C.L., Fontaine, N.M.G., Bird, G., Blakemore, S.J., De Brito, S.A., McCrory, E.J.P., & Viding, E. (2012). Neural processing associated with cognitive and affective Theory of Mind in adolescents and adults. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience (SCAN), 7 (1), 53-63.
Piquero, A.R., Farrington, D.P., Fontaine, N.M.G., Vincent, G., Coid, J., & Ullrich, S. (2012). Childhood risk, offending trajectories, and psychopathy at age 48 years in the Cambridge Study in Delinquent Development. Psychology, Public Policy and Law, 18 (4), 577-598.
Fontaine, N.M.G., McCrory, E.J.P., Boivin, M., Moffitt, T.E., & Viding, E. (2011). Predictors and outcomes of joint trajectories of callous-unemotional traits and conduct problems in childhood. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 120 (3), 730-742.
Fontaine, N.M.G., Rijsdijk, F.V., McCrory, E.J.P., & Viding, E. (2010). Etiology of different developmental trajectories of callous-unemotional traits. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 49 (7), 656-664.
Barker, E.D., Vitaro, F., Lacourse, E., Fontaine, N.M.G., Carbonneau, R., & Tremblay, R.E. (2010). Testing the developmental distinctiveness of male proactive and reactive aggression with a nested longitudinal experimental intervention. Aggressive Behavior, 36 (2), 127-140.
Fontaine, N., Carbonneau, R., Vitaro, F., Barker, E.D., & Tremblay, R.E. (2009). Research review: A critical review of studies on the developmental trajectories of antisocial behavior in females. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 50 (4), 363-385.
Barker, E.D., Larsson, H., Viding, E., Maughan, B., Rijsdijk, F., Fontaine, N., & Plomin, R. (2009). Common genetic but specific environmental influences for aggressive and deceitful behaviors in preadolescent males. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 31 (4), 299-308.
Viding, E., Fontaine, N.M.G., Oliver, B.R., & Plomin, R. (2009). Negative parental discipline, conduct problems and callous-unemotional traits: Monozygotic twin differences study. British Journal of Psychiatry, 195 (5), 414-419.
Fontaine, N., & Viding, E. (2008). Genetics of personality disorders. Psychiatry, 7 (3), 137-141.
Fontaine, N., Barker, E.D., Salekin, R.T., & Viding, E. (2008). Dimensions of psychopathy and their relationships to cognitive functioning in children. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 37 (3), 690-696.
Barker, E.D., Boivin, M., Brendgen, M., Fontaine, N., Arseneault, L., Vitaro, F., Bissonnette, C., & Tremblay, R.E. (2008). Predictive validity and early predictors of peer-victimization trajectories in preschool. Archives of General Psychiatry, 65 (10), 1185-1192.
Barker, E.D., Arseneault, L., Brendgen, M., Fontaine, N., & Maughan, B. (2008). Joint development of bullying and victimization in adolescence: Relations to delinquency and self-harm. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 47 (9), 1030-1038.
Fontaine, N., Carbonneau, R., Barker, E.D., Vitaro, F., Hébert, M., Côté, S.M., Nagin, D.S., Zoccolillo, M., & Tremblay, R.E. (2008). Girls’ hyperactivity and physical aggression during childhood and adjustment problems in early adulthood: A 15-year longitudinal study. Archives of General Psychiatry, 65 (3), 320-328.
Fontaine, N., Carbonneau, R., Hébert, M., Vitaro, F., & Tremblay, R.E. (2007). Histoire des problèmes de comportement des femmes et violence physique dans leurs relations de couple. Revue québécoise de psychologie, 28 (3), 281-295.
Fontaine, N., & Vitaro, F. (2006). L’utilisation de pairs prosociaux dans les programmes d’intervention auprès de jeunes en difficulté d’adaptation. Revue de psychoéducation, 35 (1), 11-42.